Author: The Crew

Women at Warp Joins!

Crusher Troi and Yar

Women at Warp Crew Log: Exciting News! We’re now part of the podcast network. is home to a number of excellent podcasts and we’re glad to have the opportunity to be part of their community. This means you can…

Episode 7: The Ferengi Feminist Revolution

On the barrier-breaking individuals and social forces that led Ferengi women from being nothing more than men’s property to being fully-clothed, independent businesswomen! Download Now (right-click and save) Hosts: Sue, Jarrah and Grace Editor: Jarrah Transcription: Emma Rountree Download Transcript: PDF or…

Episode 6: Oh Captain, My Captain (Kirk)

Women at Warp welcomes our very first guest, Kayla Iacovino of, to discuss the original intergalactic ladies’ man, Captain Kirk, and his one-shot love interests. Edith Keeler, Rayna, Miramanee, Marlena Moreau, Janice Lester and JJ-verse Carol Marcus all get the…

Episode 5: Badass Romulan Women

Andi, Sue, Grace and Jarrah discuss Romulan women, from the Romulan Commander in the Original Series episode “The Enterprise Incident” through Toreth and Sela in TNG and Senator Cretak in DS9 to Donatra and Tal’Aura in Star Trek: Nemesis. What was it about…

Episode 4: ‘Wolf in the Fold’

The whole crew takes a look at one of Star Trek: The Original Series’ worst episodes for women: “Wolf in the Fold.” Download Now (right-click and save) Hosts: Andi, Sue, Grace & Jarrah Editor: Jarrah Transcription: Lydia – @moon_babes_, Download Transcript: PDF…

Episode 3: Starfleet’s Women in Command

Jarrah, Sue and Grace discuss the Starfleet women who held the rank of captain, other than Captain Janeway, from the captain of the USS Saratoga in Star Trek IV to Erika Hernandez in Enterprise. Download Now (right-click and save) Hosts: Jarrah,…

Episode 2: Women on TNG

  This episode, Andi, Jarrah and Sue tackle the overall representations of women in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Download Now (right-click and save) Hosts: Andi, Jarrah and Sue Editor: Jarrah Transcript: Rhys – @lizardinexile Download Transcript: PDF or Word Notes and…