Tag: Kira Nerys

Episode 59: Sexual Agency in Star Trek

Lauren from "Statistical Probabilities" lounging on a bed

How much are women in Star Trek able to make choices and act freely when it comes to sex? Our crew discusses this question and considers Trek’s best and worst portrayals of women’s sexuality. Content Note: Includes discussion of mature themes. Hosts: Jarrah,…

Review: Star Trek: Waypoint #3

Star Trek: Waypoint is an anthology series from IDW, made up of one-shot stories from across the series and movies, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Star Trek. While IDW is no stranger to playing in the media properties sandbox, it’s…

Episode 41: “Rejoined”

Jadzia Dax and Lenara Kahn kiss

In “Rejoined,” Jadzia Dax challenges a Trill taboo by “reassociating” with a former host’s love. Special guest Lisa of The Prolific Trek joins us to discuss Trill society of the future, and the allegory to how humans treat same-sex relationships today.…

Episode 13: Into the Wormhole

Season 1 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine took a lot of risks and introduced us to stereotype-busting women characters. Our crew talks about the series premiere “Emissary,” our earliest impressions of the DS9 main characters, and Kira and Dax’s…

Episode 1: Favorite Female Characters

In our first episode, meet our crew and get to know us as we discuss why we wanted to start this podcast, and celebrate our favorite female characters in the Trek franchise! Hosts: Andi, Grace, Jarrah and Sue Editor: Jarrah Theme Music:…