Tag: keiko o’brien

Episode 246: Counting on Keiko

Keiko O’Brien is a complex recurring character and an important example of Asian representation in Trek. Livian Yeh and Michelle Franchini join us to talk about Keiko’s professional and personal identities and our take on her reputation in the fandom.…

Episode 107: You May Now Give Birth

Kes, Paris and their baby after Kes gives birth

Special guest Anne Theriault joins us to talk about depictions of pregnancy and childbirth in Star Trek, covering both of Keiko’s pregnancies, Kes’ labour during time travel, Trip’s alien pregnancy, Ekora from “The Quickening”, “Friday’s Child” and more. Download Now…

Episode 82: Prepare for “Disaster”

Our crew takes a look at the 5th Season TNG episode “Disaster.” We discuss Troi’s turn in the big chair, Worf’s skills as a field medic, the unusual pairing of Crusher and LaForge, Data’s disembodied head, Picard’s choice of children’s…