Tag: Kathryn Janeway

Finding Female STEM Mentors in Star Trek

Star Trek has been impacting the lives of fans for over 50 years now as a symbol of exploration, society, technology and more. When we discuss the lack of diversity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, “representation” and…

Episode 59: Sexual Agency in Star Trek

Lauren from "Statistical Probabilities" lounging on a bed

How much are women in Star Trek able to make choices and act freely when it comes to sex? Our crew discusses this question and considers Trek’s best and worst portrayals of women’s sexuality. Content Note: Includes discussion of mature themes. Download…

“Equinox” and Janeway’s Passion

Captain Kirk: The charismatic alpha-male. Picard: The unflappable intellectual (unless someone says there are five lights). Sisko: Likes to punch immortal beings. Archer: Just hoping his next warp will be the warp home. Janeway: The… Mother? Really? Is that all…

Episode 51: Set a Course for Home

Voyager introduced us to the Delta Quadrant, several new alien species, and of course Star Trek’s first woman captain to lead a show. The crew is joined by Charlynn Schmiedt to discuss the stories, characters, and themes in Season 1.…

Episode 46: How I Met Your Great-Great Grandmother

Janeway and T'Pol in 11:59 and Carbon Creek

Janeway and T’Pol each get to tell the stories of their foremothers, in Voyager’s “11:59” and Enterprise’s “Carbon Creek.” We compare these episodes and discuss the themes of family history, role modelling, and the meaning of progress. Download now (right-click…