A look at two early T’Pol-centric Enterprise episodes. In “Fusion,” T’Pol is sexually assaulted during a mind meld, and in “Stigma,” she is stigmatized for a disease she contracted as a result of the assault – Enterprise’s attempt at an HIV/AIDS allegory.
Hosts: Sue, Jarrah, Grace
Editor: Jarrah
Transcription: Grace
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Notes and References:
- “Rape on TV: More Than Just a Plot Twist” by Jaclyn Friedman at The American Prospect.
- This New York Times article has more background on “corrective rape,” which, by the way, is not limited to Africa.
- Trailer for “Fusion” showing the scenario presented as an erotic encounter in which the audience would learn T’Pol’s “innermost desires” rather than an assault.
- Beginning voice-over for this episode comes from this Trekcore featurette.
- Jarrah’s book review of The Star Trek Universe: Franchising the Final Frontier.