At the end of Ace Week, guest Anna Kelly of Lambda Quadrant joins us to talk about asexual and aromantic spectrum identities and experiences, how they’re reflected in media (or not), and the Star Trek characters often interpreted as aspec.
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Hosts: Sue and Andi
Guest: Anna Kelly – @Anna_M_Kelly (she/her)
Editor: Andi
Transcription: Peter
Download Transcript: PDF or Word
Links & Resources:
- AVEN: The Asexual Visibility & Education Network
- The Rise of Asexual Representation (YouTube: Rowan Ellis)
- The Problem With Asexual Representation (YouTube: Rowan Ellis)
- A college course on Star Trek: Voyager helped me accept my asexuality (Women at Warp blog)
- Asexuality in Star Trek (Women at Warp blog)
- LGBTQ+ in Trek – Finding my Queer Representation Near the Celestial Temple (Treksphere)
- Aces in Space: An Asexual Reading of Star Trek (