Category: Blog

Women at Warp blog

Discovery: Star Trek’s Continuing Mission

Star Trek Discovery logo

I shouldn’t be surprised – ever since the announcement that Star Trek will be returning to TV (or CBS All Access, if you want to be specific) in 2017, I have been asked over and over again…  “What do you…

It’s Not Easy Being a Queer Star Trek Fan

It’s not easy being a queer Star Trek fan. The franchise has been praised for its diverse representation but hasn’t had a recurring on-screen queer character in 50 years – they’ve all been portrayed as cisgendered and heterosexual.* Since Star…

Introducing the Women at Warp Blog

Jaylah shining a light for Scotty

A little over two years ago, the four of us got together and began a bi-weekly mission to podcast about Star Trek from a feminist perspective. We had no idea how it would grow in such a short period of…

Women at Warp Blog: Call for Writers

Janeway using a computer

  We’re thrilled to announce that we’ll be launching a Women at Warp blog starting in January, 2017, and we’re looking for writers. Our goal is to publish one original post per week, featuring a range of voices talking about…